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小原流插花藝術 Ohara-ryu Flora Arrangement Seminar:

小原流插花藝術 – 兩小時簡介及示範講座

Speakers:  Ms. Trish Chan and Ms. Teresa Au

Date:  June 8 , 2025

Time:  2:30 pm

Venue: CCCGT

Reserve the Seat : Max 5 per person

小原流是日本三大主流花道之一,崇尚自然,表現季節美、色彩美、形態美的插花藝術, 以及插花悟道,靜心修行。花道小原流 乃以自然為原則,創作為目的的一種陳列藝術。小原流的寫景插花更是突破、顛覆傳統插花所獨創的風格 。

Ohara-ryu is one of the three major schools of ikebana in Japan. It values nature and expresses the beauty of seasons, colors, and forms through the art of flower arrangement. It also emphasizes spiritual enlightenment and meditative practice through ikebana. Ohara-ryu follows the principle of nature and aims for creative expression in its arrangements. Its landscape-style ikebana is a groundbreaking and innovative style that breaks away from traditional flower arrangement conventions.