Combat Anti-Asian Hate and Bigotry
Chinese Cultural Center of Greater Toronto Partners with Community Groups, Governments, Education Institutions to Combat Anti-Asian Hate and Bigotry
The Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto (CCC) is joining our community in solidarity to combat and counter anti-Asian hate and bigotry. CCC is adding our voice in response to the growing number of racist incidents directed at people of Asian descent.
We condemn the senseless murders in Atlanta, Georgia in the United States that took the lives of eight people, of whom six were women with Asian descent.
We offer our deepest condolences to the victims’ families who mourn their saddened loss.
Hate crimes have risen in Canadian cities since the start of the pandemic is concerning. The deadly violence that happened south of the border could also happen in Canada.
CCC is launching a new program, Stronger Together, supported by the Province of Ontario to combat the issue through a series of education programs, on-line Live Stream seminars, town hall meetings and development of toolkits to empower self-protection. In order to foster an inclusive, diverse, and welcoming multi-cultural environment, we will partner with various multi-cultural organizations, the local police and education institutions while forming a Special Committee consisted of educators, community and government leaders.
We call upon all Canadians to speak out and act against any form of hate and bigotry in Canada.
Mr. Alan Lam, Chairman of the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto