All selected essays will be awarded a certificate. The ten winners of the final round will each receive a cash prize of $200 CAD. The discerning voter award winner will receive CAD$200
Picture-based Writing Contest: Contestants must select one of the eight pictures provided by the Organizer and express their feelings or stories in Chinese using no more than 200 words (Word count including punctuation, please submit in MS Office Word format*). The font 新細明體 with a size of 12pt should be used.
All entries must be original and not publicly published before.
Both traditional and simplified Chinese are acceptable. However, “Strange and Weird” writing will not be accepted. (Note that poetry is not a novel.)
The content of the work must not involve religion, politics, pornography, violence, or any damage or insinuation of a third party. Contestants shall be held liable for any violation of the rules or any damages caused to the Organizer. Works cannot be plagiarized, translated, rewritten, fraudulently used, duplicated, or assisted by artificial intelligence. Violators will be disqualified, and their bonuses and certificates will be recovered.
Registration is open for all ages, races, genders, regions and countries.
The Organizer is not responsible for any email or online security.
The Organizer has invited a total of eight judges to select the works through a scoring system. The list of finalists will be announced on June 29, 2023, on the websites of the respective organizing institutions.
Final Selection: The Organizer will hold the final round of judging and the award ceremony on July 16, 2023, at the Greater Toronto Chinese Cultural Centre.
On July 16, 2023, the finalists will publicly recite their works, and the judging panel will select the top five essays through scoring.
Public Scoring: In addition to the judging panel, the organizer invites on-site guests to vote for the top five essays in a public vote.
Finally, one ultimate discerning voter award will be selected from the top 10 essays through voting.