TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon
Donors like you are the very reason for CCC to continue our journey for the East to meet the West, the Past to meet the Future. This year’s Waterfront Marathon is all about raising awareness and funds for our Asian Garden, an incredibly building that will showcase our cultural values including 孝道(Filial Piety),培育(Cultivate),友誼(Friendship),and 傳承(Heritage) . With your help, our goal is to raise $3 million to complete the design and construction of the Asian Garden by September 2024, and this fundraising campaign will contribute to this goal. Please donate generously to help us create this outstanding and beautiful tribute to the Canadian multicultural landscape!
各位捐助者正是大多倫多中華文化中心能夠繼續我們東西薈萃、繼往開來之旅程的原因。今年的Waterfront Marathon旨在為我們的亞洲花園提高知名度和籌集資金;這座無以倫比的建築,將表彰和慶祝我們的文化理念——孝道,培育,友誼和傳承。在您的支持下,我們的目標是籌集3百萬加元,以助我們在 2024 年 9 月之前完成亞洲花園的設計和建設。您的捐助將使我們儘早實現這一目標。亞洲花園是我們迄今為止最引人入勝的項目,我們深信此花園將成為繼往開來,熠熠生輝在北美洲的璀璨明珠。請慷慨解囊,讓我們共同為加拿大的多元文化景觀創造添加這個傑出的美麗空間!
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