Inspired by the mission of the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto (CCCGT), the Chinese Arts and Literary Festival (CALF) aims to foster a deeper appreciation of Chinese heritage, promote understanding and respect for cultural diversity, and enhance social harmony. Through creative expression and cultural engagement, the event seeks to inspire people to connect with Chinese cultures, develop their skills, and contribute to the multicultural fabric of Canadian society.
Registration 1. The CCC Chinese Arts and Literary Festival (the “CCCCALF”) is open to Ontario students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12. a) Parent-Child Recital: One student teams up with his/her parents/grandparents. No costume is required and no props are allowed. Participants must follow the instructions of the reading material and must not make any changes. b) Individual Contests: (Individual Recital, Classical Poem Recital, Painting, Calligraphy, Chinese Musical Instruments). Participants may join the contest either on their own or to represent their schools. 2. Registration is ONLY accepted online, via the 3. Participants may enter as many items as they wish according to their age level. 4. All fees must be paid upon registration through using a credit card or through PayPal or by cheque. 5. All fees are non-refundable. 6. For participants who apply for multiple items, $5 admin fee, $15 each item. 7. Registration date: Now through February 28, 2025 (Eastern Standard Time). 8. CALF reserves the rights to accept or decline any registration in its sole discretion. 9. CALF reserves the rights to alter some of the terms and conditions where required. 10. Adjudicators’ judgement is final.