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Chinese Arts and Literary Festival 中華學藝節 2025


Inspired by the mission of the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto (CCCGT), the Chinese Arts and Literary Festival (CALF) aims to foster a deeper appreciation of Chinese heritage, promote understanding and respect for cultural diversity, and enhance social harmony. Through creative expression and cultural engagement, the event seeks to inspire
people to connect with Chinese cultures, develop their skills, and contribute to the multicultural fabric of Canadian society.

1. The CCC Chinese Arts and Literary Festival (the “CCCCALF”) is open to Ontario students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12.
a) Parent-Child Recital: One student teams up with his/her parents/grandparents. No costume is required and no props are allowed. Participants must follow the instructions of the reading material and must not make any changes.
b) Individual Contests: (Individual Recital, Classical Poem Recital, Painting, Calligraphy, Chinese Musical Instruments). Participants may join the contest either on their own or to represent their schools.
2. Registration is ONLY accepted online, via the cccgt.org.
3. Participants may enter as many items as they wish according to their age level.
4. All fees must be paid upon registration through cccgt.org using a credit card or through PayPal or by cheque.
5. All fees are non-refundable.
6. For participants who apply for multiple items, $5 admin fee, $15 each item.
7. Registration date: Now through February 28, 2025 (Eastern Standard Time).
8. CALF reserves the rights to accept or decline any registration in its sole discretion.
9. CALF reserves the rights to alter some of the terms and conditions where required.
10. Adjudicators’ judgement is final.



1. 凡居於安省JK至Grade 12的學生均可參加中華學藝節。
a) 親子朗誦比賽:須由一名學生與他/她的父母/祖父母組隊。不需化妝,也不允許使用道具。參賽者必須依照朗讀材料的指示,不得作任何改動。
b) 個人比賽:包括個人朗誦、古詩詞獨誦、繪畫、書法、中國樂器。參賽者可自行或代表學校參加比賽。
2. 僅接受透過 cccgt.org 網站線上報名。
3. 參賽者可根據自己的年齡參加多於一個項目。
4. 所有費用必須於報名時透過 金cccgt.org網站以信用卡或 PayPal 付款,或以支票付款。
5. 所有費用恕不退還。
6. 報名費$5。每個項目報名費為$15。
7. 報名日期:即日起至2025年2月28日(東部標準時間)。
8. CCCCALF 保留接受或拒絕任何報名的權利。
9. CCC-CALF 保留於需要時更改部分條款的權利。
10. 評判之裁決乃最終裁決。

Details please visit www.cccgt.org/calf   詳情請瀏覽 www.cccgt.org/calf


And you can support us to promote Chinese arts and literary by donation  您可以透過捐款支持我們推廣中國藝術和文學

Direct link to registration page 直接連結到註冊頁面

CALF 2025 Registration

Organizer 主辦機構

Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto  大多倫多中華文化中心

Associate Organizer 協辦機構

New Era Educational Foundation 翰真文教基金會

Honorary Sponsor 榮譽贊助

Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (Toronto) 香港經濟貿易辦事處

Ontario Society for Chinese Education 安大略省華文教育協會

Richard Charles Lee Canada-Hong Kong Library, University of Toronto 多倫多大學利銘澤典宬