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Celebrating the Winter Solstice Festival with our Seniors

The Winter Solstice Festival is a very important event in the Chinese Community. It depicts family getting together and renewed hope. On December 21, CCC had celebrated the Winter Solstice by caring for our vulnerable Seniors. 350 bowls of Poon Choy had been cooked at the CCC kitchen and they were distributed to seniors in our neighborhood.

Our heartfelt thanks to Ocean Packers Inc. for being the Event Sponsor of this very meaningful event. We could not have achieved our goal without their continued support. We would also like to thank the three levels of Government for their help in facilitating the distribution of the Poon Choy. Together we work as a team to provide a traditional meal for our seniors to enjoy! What a wonderful way to start the Holiday Season with the gift of caring for our seniors! Wishing you all a joyous holiday and a Happy New Year!


我們衷心感謝大洋海產有限公司 (Ocean Packers Inc.) 作為活動贊助商對這次冬至特色活動的全力支持。沒有他們一直來的支持,我們不可能實現這次活動的目標。同時,我們還要感謝三級政府在我們配送盆菜過程中的幫助。正是整個團隊的辛勤工作,才讓我們可以在這個特殊的日子里為社區長者提供一頓具有傳統風味的熱餐。在佳節來臨之際,關愛是我們可以給予社區老人最好的禮物!祝大家節日快樂,新年快樂!