The Board Welcomes a New Chair
Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto Announces the Appointment of Mr. Alan Lam as the Chairman of Board

Mr. Alan Lam
Toronto, July 18, 2020 – The Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto (CCC) held its Annual General Meeting via Zoom on July 15, during which the board announces the appointment of Mr. Alan Lam as the new Chairman.
Mr. Alan Lam has been serving on the CCC board for the past 20 years, during which he held the Vice Chair position for the past 3 years. With Alan’s background as a professional engineer, a land developer and home builder, he was the Chair of the CCC Phase 2 Building Committee and has led operations and many successful projects at CCC. Since the outbreak of COVID‐19, Alan has risen to lead CCC during the most difficult time of its history.
Dr. Adrian Cheung, the immediate previous Chairman, decided to step down as his current 3‐year term came to an end, to spend more time with his family. Dr. Cheung will remain an active board member. We are deeply grateful of Dr. Cheung’s tireless and strategic leadership steering CCC to advance with the times, and nurture younger generation leaders. We are looking forward to working with Dr. Cheung in the many years to come.
“My heartfelt appreciation goes to the various CCC boards, donors, sponsors, volunteers and staff for their strong support and contributions during my term of chairmanship. The adversity of the pandemic has offered us great opportunities to learn, grow, and break through new dimensions. With Mr. Alan Lam’s proven track record, I am very confident that he will lead CCC to build a brighter tomorrow”, said Dr. Adrian Cheung.
“I’ve been so privileged to work side by side with Dr. Adrian Cheung for the last 3 years who has been instrumental in building a new organization structure and infrastructure to encourage openness and cooperation. I am grateful Adrian will stay on the Management Team for another year. Equally, I’d also like to express my sincere thanks for the overwhelming support and vote of confident the board of directors and members of CCC have entrusted in me.” said Alan Lam, the new Chairman of the Board.
“CCC is facing tremendous financial challenges due to the disruption of COVID‐19. I am committed to working with all both internally and externally to advance CCC’s legacy during the recovery and beyond. The most immediate priority is to shift our strategies for resiliency and growth, to counter financial deficit due to the temporary closure of the Centre and prepare to reopen when it is safe to do so”, added Mr. Lam.
Meanwhile, the Board welcomes Mr. David Woodfield to join as a new director. The Chairman has also appointed Mr. John Leung, Mr. Joe Chen, Mr. Wing Man as Senior Vice Presidents and Dr. Sean Zhang and Ms. Jennifer He as Vice Presidents, effective immediately.
多倫多,2020年7月23日 – 大多倫多中華文化中心已於7月15日以ZOOM線上會議形式進行週年股東大會,董事局於會上宣布任命林樹田先生為新一任主席。
在過去20年,林樹田先生一直擔任文化中心董事局成員,期間曾擔任副主席三年。林先生擁有專業工程師資歷和土地開發商和房屋建築商的背景,他是文化中心第二期建築委員會主席,一直帶領文化中心的運營和創建許多成功的項目。 。在2019冠狀病毒疫情爆發以來和這段文化中心史上最艱難的時期,林先生再次顯示了他的領導才能。
前任主席張怡專博士,決定於任期屆滿後引退主席職務,希望有更多時間陪伴家人。 。董事局衷心感謝張博士的領導,帶領文化中心與時俱進,積極培養中心年輕一代領導人。張博士將繼續服務於董事局。我們將會繼續與他緊密合作。
「 在疫情影響下,文化中心正面臨巨大的財政挑戰。我會積極於對外的合作和加強內部的溝通,在安全重新開放期間,盡快將文化中心恢復正常運作。當務之急是製定一系列中心復原和發展新策略,以應對由於中心暫時關閉而造成的財政赤字。」林先生補充。
與此同時,董事局歡迎 David Woodfield 律師加入成為文化中心的新董事。主席亦任命梁健文先生、陳光裕先生及萬榮業先生為高級副會長;張曉鶴博士和何曉瑜女士為副會長,即時生效。
多伦多,2020年7月23日 – 大多伦多中华文化中心已于7月15日以ZOOM线上会议形式进行周年股东大会,董事局于会上宣布任命林树田先生为新一任主席。
在过去20年,林树田先生一直担任文化中心董事局成员,期间曾担任副主席三年。林先生拥有专业工程师资历和土地开发商和房屋建筑商的背景,他是文化中心第二期建筑委员会主席,一直带领文化中心的运营和创建许多成功的项目。 。在2019冠状病毒疫情爆发以来和这段文化中心史上最艰难的时期,林先生再次显示了他的领导才能。
前任主席张怡专博士,决定于任期届满后引退主席职务,希望有更多时间陪伴家人。 。董事局衷心感谢张博士的领导,带领文化中心与时俱进,积极培养中心年轻一代领导人。张博士将继续服务于董事局。我们将会继续与他紧密合作。
「 在疫情影响下,文化中心正面临巨大的财政挑战。我会积极于对外的合作和加强内部的沟通,在安全重新开放期间,尽快将文化中心恢复正常运作。当务之急是制定一系列中心复原和发展新策略,以应对由于中心暂时关闭而造成的财政赤字。」林先生补充。
与此同时,董事局欢迎David Woodfield 律师加入成为文化中心的新董事。主席亦任命梁健文先生、陈光裕先生及万荣业先生为高级副会长;张晓鹤博士和何晓瑜女士为副会长,即时生效。
Board Members and Executives 董事局成員 |
Founding Chairman 創始主席 | Dr. Ming-Tat Cheung 張明達醫生 |
Immediate Past Chairman 前任主席 | Dr. Adrian Cheung 張怡專博士 |
Chairman 主席 | Mr. Alan Lam 林樹田先生 |
President 會長 | Mrs. Angela Chan 陳徐碧瑜女士 |
Senior Vice Presidents 高級副會長 | Mr. Joseph Chen 陳光裕先生 Mr. John Leung 梁健文先生 Mr. Wing Man 萬榮業先生 |
Vice Presidents 副會長 | Ms. Jennifer He 何曉瑜女士 Dr. Sean X. Zhang 張曉鶴博士 |
Treasurer 司庫 | Ms. Clara So 蘇潔芳女士 |
Secretary 秘書 | Mr. Joseph Chen 陳光裕先生 |
Directors 董事 | Mr. Carson Ho 何啟新先生 Mr. Eddie Lee 李剛毅先生 Dr. Joseph Ma 馬志健醫生 Mr. Victor Ng 伍永泰先生 Mr. David Woodfield Mr. Gary Zheng 鄭智峰先生 |