Mr. John Leung 梁健文先生
John was the immigrant from Hong Kong in 1985, the founder of Prime Advertising, a full-service advertising company based in Toronto since 1987, the Present of Toronto Chinese Business Association, he was invited to China Trade Mission in November 2014 with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, he is also the Chair of Toronto International Dragon Boat Race Festival at Centre Island, the Past President of Chinese Family Services of Ontario, the Past President of Chinese Canadian Advertising and Media Association, the founder of Chinese Canadian Fashion Designers Award, the award winner of Chinese Canadian Entrepreneurs in 1998.
梁健文先生John Leung於1985年從香港移民,自1987年創立精英廣告公司Prime Advertising, 多倫多華商會會長,於2014年11月被邀請與加拿大總理參加中國貿易代表團。他還是多倫多國際龍舟節競賽主席,安省華人家庭專業輔導中心會長,加拿大華人廣告和媒體協會前任主席,加拿大華裔時裝設計師獎的創始人, 1998年加拿大華人企業家獎。