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小原流插花藝術 Ohara School Flora Arrangement Seminar:

小原流插花藝術 – 兩小時簡介及示範講座 Speakers:  Ms. Trish Chan and Ms. Teresa Au Date:  June 8 , 2025 Time:  2:30 pm Venue: CCCGT Reserve the Seat : Max 5 per person FREE ADMISSION 小原流是日本三大主流花道之一,崇尚自然,表現季節美、色彩美、形態美的插花藝術, 以及插花悟道,靜心修行。花道小原流

Toronto Zoo Easter Weekend

  Wondering what’s open this Easter long weekend? Your Toronto Zoo is OPEN from 9:30am – 6:00pm every day this long weekend! Join us for an egg-citing Enrichment Eggs-travaganza with the animals receiving special Easter treats! Do some spring shopping at

Combat Anti-Asian Hate and Bigotry

Chinese Cultural Center of Greater Toronto Partners with Community Groups, Governments, Education Institutions to Combat Anti-Asian Hate and Bigotry The Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto (CCC) is joining our community in solidarity to combat and counter anti-Asian

Scarborough Summerfest

Started in 2012, it is a three-day festival which takes place in July every year to showcase different forms of music, dance, arts & crafts, food, costume and entertainment of diverse ethnicities.  Nemo enim