Our Sponsors and Donors
Our Supporters
CCC officially launched its fundraising campaign in April 1994. We are also very pleased and proud to announce that in the past three years through an intense round of fundraising, we have garnered more than C$5.2 million to begin construction of the CCC Building. We have received tremendous support from all three levels of government, private corporations, overseas donors and the Toronto community. We look forward to continuing support from the community to achieve our goal of raising C$15 million to build North America's largest Chinese cultural centre in the Greater Toronto Area.
Government Supports

Major Corporate Sponsors
- Air Canada
- Balmoral Multicultural Marketing
- Bank of East Asia (Canada)
- Bank of Montreal
- Bell Canada
- Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
- DFC Auto Group
- Greenvilla Homes
- HSBC Bank Canada
- L-Can Property Management Inc.
- Mandarin Restaurant Franchise Corporation
- Ocean Packers Inc. (Canada)
- Petit Potato and Congee Queen
- Phoenix Financial Inc.
- PuraPharm International (HK) Ltd.
- Rolex Canada Ltd.
- Royal Bank of Canada
- Royal de Versailles Jewellers
- Scotiabank
- Shiu Pong Group of Companies
- Soong Holdings Ltd.
- Sunny Supermarket
- Toronto Dominion Bank
- Toronto Hong Kong Lions Club
Major Donors
$500,000 and Above
- The Government of Canada
- The Provincial of Ontario
- Mr. K Y Ho
- Johnny Fong Charitable Foundation
- Dr. Vivienne Poy/Lee Tak Wai Foundation
- Mr. Michael Lo
- Dr. Dexter Hung-Cho Man
- Dr. Hin-Shiu Hung
- Mr. May-Sang Soong & Mrs. Jesse Wong Soong
$200,000 to $499,999
- Dr. K K Leung
- Mr. Lee Lau
- Dr. Ming-Tat Cheung & Mrs.
- Doris Cheung
- The Ontario Trillium Foundation
- Dr. Stanley Ho & Mrs. Lucina Ho
$100,000 to $199,999
- Dr. Annie Kit Wah Leung
- Ms. Annie Wong - Bank of Montreal
- Bell Canada
- Ed’s Warehouse Restaurants
- Ms. Lucina Lam
- Mandarin Charitable Foundation
- Mrs. Winnie & Family
- Mr. Philip Leong & Mrs Grace Leong
- Mr. Ralph Hui, Pacific Insurance Broker Inc.
- Royal Bank of Canada
- Toronto Dominion Bank
- Toronto Hong Kong Lions Club
- Mr. Lenny & Mrs. Vicky Wong
$50,000 to $99,999
- Bank of Nova Scotia
- Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
- Community Infrastructure Improvement Fund
- Mr. Cai Kui Sun & Mrs. Yu Hua Sun
- Dr. Eddie Chow & Mrs. Cecilia Chow
- Dr. Evelyn Yee-Fun Man
- Mr. Hughes Eng
- Mrs. Lena Wong
- Dr. Louis Yao & Mrs. Cindy Yao
- Superieux Garment Factory Ltd
- World Centre Purchaser Corporation
$10,000 to $49,999
- Mr. Alan Kwong
- Mr. Anthony Ng
- Mr. Anthony Tsim
- Dr. Benson Lau & Mrs Grace Lau
- Canada Chinese Computer Association
- Ms. Carmen-Chan Liu
- Ms. Carol Chui Ngar Yip
- CBP Foundation
- Mr. Charles S.Y . Shek
- Mr. Chen Han Chung
- China Syndrome Productions Inc.
- Chinese Artist Society of Toronto
- Chinese Dance Workshop
- Mr. Chris Li
- Dr. Chuck C.F. Lee
- Congee Queen & Petit Potato
- The Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Toronto
- Con-Well Construction & Renovation Inc.
- CPB Foundation
- Mr. Daniel Hung
- Mr. Dave Snowden
- Mr. David F Banks
- Mr. David M Campbell
- Mr. David Y M Wonh
- Mr. Dennis Cheng
- Ms. Elaine Pang
- Mr. Eric Chan & Mrs Linda Chan
- Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sim Family
- Mr. Fred Lai
- G. Raymond Chang Ltd.
- Mr. George Wong
- Hakka Heritage Wall - In Memory of Peter Lee-Shanok
- Mr. Henry Hung
- Mr. Herbert
- Chang Icon Digital Production Inc.
- Mrs. Jesse Wong Soong
- Dr. John Fong & Mrs Sophia Fong
- Dr. Joseph W Wong: Ms. Kam Man Ing
- Mr. Kau Tang Ng & Mrs Mei Har Ng
- La Différence Time Centre
- Lee Development Corporation
- Mr. Lian Gan Liang
- Lin Heritage Association of Ontario
- Ms. Linda Chan
- Living Realty Inc
- Mr. Lo Kur Chung
- Mr. & Mrs. Man-Chong Fong
- Mrs. Marion Ho
- Mr. Mars Koo
- Ms. Mei Yueh Tao
- Mr. Michael Pang
- Midland Seafoods Inc.
- Minstry of Tourism, Culture & Sport
- Mutual Life of Canada
- Dr. Paul Shuen
- Premier Candle Corporation
- Mr. Raymond M. Lee
- Mr. Robert Ho
- Mr. Shiu King Kong
- Shiu Pong Group of Companies
- Mr. Shiu-Choi Cho
- Dr. Shung-Hay Ho & Anna Ho
- Mrs. Sophie Wong
- Mr. Stephen Fong
- Mr. Stephen Li
- Mr. Stephen Wong
- Ms. Susan To
- Tradeworld Realty Inc.
- UBS Bank
- Varallo Holdings Ltd
- Mr. Wayne & Mrs Cindy Fan
- Wong Kung Har Wun Sun Association of Ontario
- Mr. Xiao Min Liang
Major Cultural & Community Partners
- Association of Chinese Canadian Entrepreneurs
- Art Gallery of Ontario
- Brock University
- Canadian Multicultural Council-Asians in Ontario
- City of Scarborough
- City of Toronto
- Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Toronto CPAC
- Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals (Ontario)
- Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office
- Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre
- Korean Canadian Cultural Association
- Macao Club (Toronto) Inc.
- Mississauga Board of Chinese Professionals & Businesses
- Mon Sheong Foundation
- The National Ballet of Canada
- Ontario Place
- Royal Ontario Museum
- Scarborough Town Jazz Festival
- Taiwan Entrepreneur Society Taipei/Toronto
- Toronto Hakka Heritage Alliance
- Toronto Zoo
- Woodbine Entertainment Group
- Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation
- Yip's Canada