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CCC supports COVID-19 vaccination drive

The Scarborough Health Network had held a four-day Covid-19 vaccine pop-up clinic at CCC from Dec 27 to Dec 30. Over 3,600 shots had been administered during this period. CCC, as a partner of the North Scarborough Vaccine Engagement Team, had not only provided the venue, but also our staff and volunteers. They did a wonderful job in facilitating the process for residents to get vaccinated.

士嘉堡醫療網絡於 12 月 27 日至 30 日在大多倫多中華文化中心舉辦了為期四天的流動新冠疫苗接種診所。在此期間,已有超過 3,600 名居民成功接種了疫苗。大多倫多中華文化中心作為北士嘉堡促進疫苗參與團隊的一位合作夥伴,不僅提供了場地,中心的員工和志願者也為這次疫苗接種工作提供了支持。正如我們所見,他們在促進大家接種疫苗這方面做得尤其出色!