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An Open Letter to Our Communities

An Open Letter to Our Communities

Together, Let’s Defeat COVID-19 and “Shadow Pandemic”

June 24, 2020

We are saddened to read the Angus Reid Institute (ARI) report* published on June 22nd revealing the extent and depth to the widespread disrespect and abuse that Canadians of Chinese descent have experienced during COVID-19 pandemic.

The global COVID-19 pandemic is devastating to every Canadian including Chinese Canadians and to add to the stress many are fighting the “shadow pandemic” – racism.  

The results are upsetting and troubling: “six-in-ten say they have adjusted their routines in order to avoid run-ins or otherwise unpleasant encounters since the COVID-19 outbreak began; two-third report feeling coverage from North American news outlets has led to negative views of Chinese people in Canada; over half are worried that Asian children are going to be bullied when they return to school.”

At the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto, we feel the human pain and some have also experienced discriminatory behaviour firsthand. We are here for you!

Though enclosed physically at the moment, we never stopped our services, support to the communities and caring for each other. During the COVID-19 outbreak, we launched the “One Mask at A Time” campaign and hand-delivered Personal Protection Equipment (masks) to over 100 Canadian multi-cultural organizations with senior memberships. At present, we have started a “One Meal at a Time” pilot project to deliver over 200 free hot lunches to the isolated seniors in our community every week. We are also developing a telecommunication platform to connect and empower vulnerable people, especially seniors and women, to alleviate their challenges during the pandemic.

We take Canadian values of inclusion, diversity and equity to heart while being very proud of our Chinese heritage. The “Black Lives Matter” protest against racial discrimination has also struck a chord in the Chinese community. In Canada, not only is there a systemic discrimination against Blacks, Aboriginals, but also other ethnic groups including Chinese.

The six-month-long epidemic is very trying. All of us have had to make some changes and compromises. Let’s do what humans do best: adapt and overcome through the power of unity.

Together, let’s defeat both COVID-19 and “shadow pandemic”. #HealthNotHate

Picture Resource: https://www.healthnothate.com/

Sincerely Yours,

Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto

* http://angusreid.org/racism-chinese-canadians-covid19/