- i) 個人項目:冠軍 50元、亞軍30元、季軍20元。
- ii) 親子對誦:每隊冠軍 50元、亞軍30元、季軍20元。
- 凡居於安省JK至Grade 12的學生均可參加中華學藝節。
c) 凡報名參加中樂項目者,請提供下列資料:
- 曲目名稱、作者、完整樂譜
- 演奏時間 Grade 8以下組最長5分鐘。Grade 9-12組最長8分鐘,逾時扣分。
- 僅接受通過 cccgt.org 網站在線報名。每組以20人為限。
- 參賽者可根據自己的年級參加多於一個項目。
- 所有費用必須於報名時透過 cccgt.org 網站以信用卡或 PayPal 付款。
- 所有費用恕不退還。
- 費用:一次性報名費$5。參賽者可參加多於一個項目。每個項目報名費為$15。
- 報名日期:即日起至2025年3月5日。
- CCC-CALF 保留決定接受或拒絕任何報名的權利。
- 總則
1.1 大多倫多中華文化中心中華學藝節(「中華學藝節」)活動由大多倫多中華文化中心(「中華文化中心」)及大多倫多中華文化中心中華學藝節委員會(「學藝節委員會」)全權管理。
1.2 本規則未盡事宜,一律交由學藝節委員會處理,學藝節委員會之決定為最終決定,並具約束力。
- 中華學藝節程序
2.1 評審員的決定為最終決定,並由評審員全權決定。評審員保留不頒發任何或所有獎項的權利。家長、老師或參賽者不得在任何時間親自、通過電子郵件或社交媒體接觸評審員;這可能導致參賽者被取消資格。CCC-CALF保留在任何時候自行決定更換或委任評審的權利。
2.2 中華學藝節時間表不會因任何參賽者而改變。特別的時間安排要求或任何變更都不會被考慮。
2.3 參賽者必須至少提前 15 分鐘到達預定的比賽地點。
2.4 在項目開始後到達的參賽者將不允許參加比賽。
2.5 不得在比賽場地排練。
2.6 任何投訴必須以書面形式提交至中華學藝節委員會。
2..7 參賽者可錄下自己的表演以作存檔之用。但禁止對其他參賽者的表演拍照、錄音和/或錄影。
2.8 參賽期間必須關閉所有手機和傳呼機。比賽場地內禁止飲食。
2.9 除中華學藝節委員會成員外,參賽者、家長或公眾人士不得在比賽期間與評審交談。
- 評分與結果
3.1 評分標准:
個人及古典詩詞朗誦: 演繹40% 聲調20% 節奏20% 咬字10% 儀態10%
親子對誦:演繹35% 聲調20% 節奏15% 咬字10% 儀態10% 整體合作10%
書法:結構50% 筆力50%
兒童繪畫:主題信息30% 創意30% 技巧25% 色彩15%
自由畫/國畫:主題信息30% 布局及意境30% 筆墨賦采(技巧)40%
中樂演奏:音准25% 節奏25% 演繹30% 音調和音色20%
3.2 中華學藝節結果將公布於cccgt.org。
- 活動取消
4.1 若發生任何無法預見的事件,中華學藝節委員會保留延遲、取消或變更中華學藝節時間表的權利。
4.2 少於三人報名的項目,可由中華學藝節委員會決定合幷或取消。
- 授權、放棄和解除
5.1 參賽者(及其報名表上之監護人/父母)參加中華學藝節,即授權中華文化中心及中華學藝節使用任何由參賽者提交的作品,以及授權學藝節籌委會於比賽場地內制作有關包括參賽者在內的任何錄音、錄像及其他制作形式及參賽作品,並以私人或公開場合制作的錄音、錄像及其他制作形式及作品用於推廣宣傳中華學藝節及任何未來中華文化中心舉辦的活動,並可復制、展覽、展示、廣播、出版、發行及創作相關的衍生作品,用於任何非商業用途,包括教育、推廣中華文化中心及中華學藝節,以及為中華文化中心籌款。
5.2 參加者同時授權中華學藝節籌委會在中華學藝節期間或與中華學藝節相關的活動和/或任何中華文化中心和中華學藝節公開活動中對參加者進行拍照、攝影和/或錄音,並同意在任何及所有中華文化中心和中華學藝節出版物、信息和教育材料以及社交媒體和網站材料中使用參加者的姓名、肖像、影像和錄音(「姓名和攝影影像」),以宣傳中華文化中心和中華學藝節。
5.3 參賽者進一步放棄對作品的所有精神權利,使中華文化中心受益,並免除中華文化中心和中華文化中心的雇員、義工、董事、職員、顧問、贊助商、中華學藝節委任的評審,以及他們各自的受讓人和繼承人,因使用作品和/或姓名和攝影圖片而可能引起的任何和所有索賠,包括任何誹謗、侵犯隱私或版權的索賠。
- 雜項
6.1 所有交通、住宿和相關費用均由參加者自行承擔。
6.2 中華文化中心或中華學藝節籌委會均不對在中華學藝節期間發生的任何性質的人身傷害或間接傷害負責。
- 更改條款和條件的權利
- i) 个人项目:冠军 50元、亚军30元、季军20元。
- ii) 亲子对诵:每隊冠军 50元、亚军30元、季军20元。
- 凡居于安省JK至Grade 12的学生均可参加中华学艺节。
c) 凡报名参加中乐项目者,请提供下列资料:
- 曲目名称、作者、完整乐谱
- 演奏时间 Grade 8以下組最長5分钟。Grade 9-12組最長8分钟,逾时扣分。
- 仅接受通过 cccgt.org 网站在线报名。每组以20人为限。
- 参赛者可根据自己的年级参加多于一个项目。
- 所有费用必须于报名时透过 cccgt.org 网站以信用卡或 PayPal 付款。
- 所有费用恕不退还。
- 费用:一次性报名费$5。参赛者可参加多于一个项目。每个项目报名费为$15。
- 报名日期:即日起至2025年3月5日。
- CCC-CALF 保留决定接受或拒绝任何报名的权利。
The Chinese Arts and Literary Festival (CALF) is organized by the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto. In line with the mission of the Centre, the festival aims to deepen participants’ understanding of Chinese cultural heritage, promote appreciation and respect for cultural diversity, and enhance social harmony. Through creative and cultural engagement, the festival seeks to inspire participants to connect with Chinese culture, develop their skills, and contribute to the multicultural fabric of Canadian society.
a) Prizes:
- Individual Events: Trophies will be awarded to the Champion, 1st Runner-Up, and 2nd Runner-Up. Certificates of participation will be provided to all participants who complete the competition.
- Parent-Child Duet: Trophies will be awarded to the Champion, 1st Runner-Up, and 2nd Runner-Up teams. Certificates of participation will be provided to all participants who complete the competition.
b) Scholarships:
- Individual Events: Champion $50, 1st Runner-Up $30, 2nd Runner-Up $20.
- Parent-Child Duet: Each team’s Champion $50, 1st Runner-Up $30, 2nd Runner-Up $20.
Award Ceremony
The Chinese Arts and Literary Festival award ceremony will be held on May 31, 2025, at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto.
- Eligibility: Students residing in Ontario from JK to Grade 12 are eligible to participate.
- Parent-Child Recitation: Teams must consist of one student and their parent(s) or grandparent(s). No makeup or props are allowed. Participants must follow the provided reading materials without alterations, including reading the title and author.
- Individual Events: Includes solo recitation, classical poetry recital, painting, calligraphy, and Chinese instrumental music. Participants can register independently or through their schools.
- Chinese Instrumental Music Participants: Required to provide the following:
- Title, composer, and complete sheet music.
- Performance duration: Maximum 5 minutes for Grades JK-8, and 8 minutes for Grades 9-12. Points will be deducted for exceeding time limits.
- Once registered, changes to the repertoire are not allowed.
- Registration is only accepted online via org. Each group is limited to 20 participants.
- Participants may register for multiple events according to their grade level.
- All fees must be paid online via credit card or PayPal through org.
- All fees are non-refundable.
- Fees: A one-time registration fee of $5 is required. Each event registration costs $15.
- Registration Period: From now until March 5, 2025.
- The Chinese Arts and Literary Festival Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any registration.
Competition Format and Schedule
Most events will be held in person in April 2025 at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto. Specific details will be sent via email to participants. Please check your inbox regularly.
Rules and Regulations
1. General Provisions
1.1 The Chinese Arts and Literary Festival (“CALF”) is managed by the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto (“CCC”) and the Chinese Arts and Literary Festival Committee (“CALF Committee”).
1.2 Matters not covered in these rules will be handled at the discretion of the CALF Committee, whose decisions are final and binding.
2. Festival Procedures
2.1 Judges’ decisions are final. Judges reserve the right not to award any or all prizes. Parents, teachers, or participants must not contact the judges at any time, including via email or social media, as this may result in disqualification. The CCC-CALF reserves the right to appoint or replace judges at its discretion.
2.2 The festival schedule will not be altered for any participant. Requests for special scheduling or changes will not be considered.
2.3 Participants must arrive at the designated venue at least 15 minutes before their scheduled competition time.
2.4 Late arrivals will not be allowed to compete once the event has started.
2.5 No rehearsals are permitted at the competition venue.
2.6 Complaints must be submitted in writing to the CALF Committee.
2.7 Participants may record their own performances for archival purposes. However, photography, audio recording, and/or video recording of other participants are prohibited.
2.8 All mobile phones and pagers must be turned off during the competition. Food and beverages are not allowed at the venue.
2.9 Except for CALF Committee members, no participant, parent, or member of the public may interact with judges during the competition.
3. Scoring and Results
3.1 Scoring Criteria:
- Individual and Classical Poetry Recitation: Interpretation 40%, Tone 20%, Rhythm 20%, Diction 10%, Poise 10%.
- Parent-Child Recitation: Interpretation 35%, Tone 20%, Rhythm 15%, Diction 10%, Poise 10%, Overall Coordination 10%.
- Calligraphy: Structure 50%, Stroke Strength 50%.
- Children’s Painting: Thematic Message 30%, Creativity 30%, Technique 25%, Color 15%.
- Freehand/Traditional Chinese Painting: Thematic Message 30%, Layout & Atmosphere 30%, Technique (Brush & Ink) 40%.
- Chinese Instrumental Music: Pitch 25%, Rhythm 25%, Interpretation 30%, Tone Quality & Timbre 20%.
3.2 Results will be announced on cccgt.org.
4. Event Cancellation
4.1 In the event of unforeseen circumstances, the CALF Committee reserves the right to delay, cancel, or modify the festival schedule.
4.2 Events with fewer than three participants may be merged or canceled at the discretion of the CALF Committee.
5. Authorization, Waiver, and Release
5.1 By participating, entrants (and their guardians/parents listed on the registration form) authorize the CCC and CALF to use submitted works, as well as recordings, videos, and images taken during the festival for promotional purposes, including future events, without compensation.
5.2 Entrants grant permission for photos, videos, and recordings taken during the festival or related events to be used in CCC and CALF publications, educational materials, social media, and websites.
5.3 Participants waive all moral rights to their submissions in favor of CCC and release CCC, its employees, volunteers, directors, officers, advisors, sponsors, and appointed judges from any claims arising from the use of submitted works or participant images and names.
6. Miscellaneous
6.1 All transportation, accommodation, and related costs are the responsibility of participants.
6.2 The CCC and CALF Committee are not liable for any injuries or indirect damages incurred during the festival.
7. Right to Amend Terms and Conditions
The CCC and/or CALF Committee reserve the right to update, modify, or replace these rules and regulations at their sole discretion.
比賽項目 | 比赛项目 | Competition items
比賽項目 | 項目 | 參賽組別 | 組別 | 題目 | 備註 |
朗誦 | 朗诵 Recital | 獨誦 | 独诵 | JK, SK | 國語組 | 国语组Mandarin | 陽光 | 阳光 | 不得使用道具。朗誦包括题目,作者。 不得使用道具。朗诵包括题目,作者。 No props are allowed. The recitation includes the title and author. |
粵語組 | 粤语组Cantonese | 陽光 | 阳光 | ||||
Grade 1-2 | 國語組 | 国语组Mandarin | 吹泡泡 | |||
粵語組 | 粤语组Cantonese | 吹泡泡 | ||||
Grade 3-4 | 國語組 | 国语组Mandarin | 太陽雨 | 太阳雨 | |||
粵語組 | 粤语组Cantonese | 太陽雨 | 太阳雨 | ||||
Grade 5-6 | 國語組 | 国语组Mandarin | 念天地之悠悠 | |||
粵語組 | 粤语组Cantonese | 念天地之悠悠 | ||||
Grade 7-8 | 國語組 | 国语组Mandarin | 尋夢 | 寻梦 | |||
粵語組 | 粤语组Cantonese | 尋夢 | 寻梦 | ||||
古詩詞獨誦 古诗词独诵 Classical Poems | Grade 6-8 | 國語組 | 国语组Mandarin | 遊子吟 | 游子吟 | 不得使用道具。朗誦包括题目,作者。 不得使用道具。朗诵包括题目,作者。 No props are allowed. The recitation includes the title and author. | |
粵語組 | 粤语组Cantonese | 遊子吟 | 游子吟 | ||||
Grade 9-12 | 國語組 | 国语组Mandarin | 青玉案‧元夕 | |||
粵語組 | 粤语组Cantonese | 青玉案‧元夕 | ||||
親子對誦 亲子对诵 Parent-Child Recital | JK, SK & Grade 1 | 國語組 | 国语组Mandarin | 什麼圓圓 什么圆圆 | 須由一名學生與他/她的父母或祖父母組隊,不需化粧,也不得使用道具。 须由一名学生与他/她的父母或祖父母组队,不需化妆,也不得使用道具。 A student must form a team with his/her parents or grandparents. No makeup is required and no props are allowed. | |
粵語組 | 粤语组Cantonese | 什麼圓圓 什么圆圆 | ||||
Grade 2-4 | 國語組 | 国语组Mandarin | 爸媽的春天 爸妈的春天 | |||
粵語組 | 粤语组Cantonese | 爸媽的春天 爸妈的春天 | ||||
書法 书法 Calligraphy | 鉛筆組 铅笔组 Pencil | Grade 1-2 | 繁體組 Traditional Chi. | 自備鉛筆及橡皮擦。内容及紙張由大會提供。限時20分鐘。 自备铅笔及橡皮擦。内容及纸张由大会提供。限时20分钟。 Please bring your own pencil and eraser. Contents and paper will be provided by the organizers. Time limit is 20 minutes. | |
简体组 Simplified Chi. | |||||
Grade 3-4 | 繁體組 Traditional Chi. | ||||
简体组 Simplified Chi. | |||||
Grade 5-6 | 繁體組 Traditional Chi. | ||||
简体组 Simplified Chi. | |||||
原子筆組 原子笔组 Ball Pen | Grade 7-8 | 繁體組 Traditional Chi. | 自備原子筆。内容及紙張由大會提供。限時30分鐘。 自备原子笔。内容及纸张由大会提供。限时30分钟。 Please bring your own ball pen and eraser. Contents and paper will be provided by the organizers. Time limit is 30 minutes. | ||
简体组 Simplified Chi. | |||||
Grade 9-12 | 繁體組 Traditional Chi. | ||||
简体组 Simplified Chi. | |||||
毛筆組 毛笔组 Brush Pen | Grade 5-8 | 繁體組 Traditional Chi. | 自備筆墨。内容及九宮格紙由大會提供。限時30分鐘。 自备笔墨。内容及九宫格纸由大会提供。限时30分钟。 Participants must bring their own brush and ink. The content and nine-square grid paper will be provided by the organizers. The time limit is 30 minutes. | ||
简体组 Simplified Chi. | |||||
Grade 9-12 | 繁體組 Traditional Chi. | 自備筆墨。内容及九宮格紙由大會提供。限時60分鐘。 自备笔墨。内容及九宫格纸由大会提供。限时60分钟 Participants must bring their own brush and ink. The content and nine-square grid paper will be provided by the organizers. The time limit is 60 minutes. | |||
简体组 Simplified Chi. | |||||
繪畫 绘画 Painting | 兒童畫 儿童画 Child painting | Jk & SK | 上學的路上 上学的路上 On the way to school | 大會供應12”×18”畫紙;自備顏料(水彩、粉彩或蠟筆);限時1小時15分鐘 大会供应12”×18”画纸;自备颜料(水彩、粉彩或蜡笔);限时1小时15分钟 The organizers will provide 12”×18” drawing paper. Participants must bring their own materials (watercolors, pastels, or crayons). The time limit is 1 hour and 15 minutes. | |
Grade 1-2 | 上學的路上 上学的路上 On the way to school | ||||
Grade 3-4 | 上學的路上 上学的路上 On the way to school | ||||
Grade 5-6 | 我的理想世界 My ideal world | ||||
Grade 7-8 | 我的理想世界 My ideal world | ||||
自由畫(非國畫類) 自由画(非国画类) Free Style | Grade 9-12 | 自選題材 自选题材 Choose your own subject | |||
國畫 | 国画 | Grade 9-12 | 自選題材 自选题材 Choose your own subject | 大會供應12”×18”宣紙;自備顏料筆墨;限時2小時。 大会供应12”×19”宣纸;自备颜料笔墨;限时2小时。 The organizers will provide 12”×18” drawing paper. Participants must bring their own materials. The time limit is 2 hour. | ||
中樂演奏* 中乐演奏* Chinese Musical Instruments* | 笛子 | Grade 8 & under | 自選曲目 或 快慢選段各一 自选曲目 或 快慢选段各一 Self-selected Piece or One Fast and One Slow Segment | 限時五分鐘, 逾時將被扣分 限时五分钟, 逾时将被扣分 The performance is | |
Grade 9-12 | 自選曲目 或 快慢選段各一 自选曲目 或 快慢选段各一 self-selected piece or one fast press done slow segment | 限時五分鐘, 逾時將被扣分 限时五分钟, 逾时将被扣分 The performance is limited to five minutes. Points will be deducted for exceeding the time limit. | |||
二胡 | Grade 8 & under | 自選曲目 或 快慢選段各一 自选曲目 或 快慢选段各一 self-selected piece or one fast press done slow segment | 限時五分鐘, 逾時將被扣分 限时五分钟, 逾时将被扣分 The performance is limited to five minutes. Points will be deducted for exceeding the time limit. | ||
Grade 9-12 | 自選曲目 或 快慢選段各一 自选曲目 或 快慢选段各一 self-selected piece or one fast press done slow segment | 限時五分鐘, 逾時將被扣分 限时五分钟, 逾时将被扣分 The performance is limited to five minutes. Points will be deducted for exceeding the time limit. |
* 備注 Remark:
– 朗誦誦材見本網站另項。| 朗诵诵材见本网站另项。 | For recitation materials, please see another section of this website.
– 中樂組細節見報名方法。| 中乐组细节见报名方法。| For details of Chinese Music Group, please see the Registration Method.